Medical Provider Codes, Denials and Audits

The number 1 reason CMS denies claims is for use of the Evaluation and Management codes (E/M). These are the codes used to describe the evaluation and treatment of various disorders that are not procedures. With the E/M codes, medical necessity is the primary factor...

Healthcare Regulations

So we are going electronic with health records (EMRS), but we need to keep them confidential.  The idea is that if all the medical records were somehow available to the providers involved with a patients care, much progress would be made in the quality of care and...

A Review of the Obamacare Process

How did we do with the huge undertaking of providing Affordable Health Care to every American?? Let’s review. With all of the planning and new laws enacted, what happened in 2014? New law that implemented reforms for insurance companies making sure they...

Flu Vaccines

Every spring, federal health officials select two influenza A virus strains (usually H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes) and one or two influenza B virus strains to include in flu vaccines released in the fall.  In December, CDC informed us that one of the A strains selected for...

Decode Your Medical Bills

Each time you receive a bill from your doctor, it contains the codes that describe your illness (CPT) and the related diagnosis codes (ICD). If you ever wondered what your particular diagnoses are, here’s a way for you to find out. Go to the American Medical...

EHR (Electronic Health Records) Don’t Communicate

Despite all the wishful thinking for the great new world of EHRs and their potential usefulness in the healthcare setting, Athena Health’s Dan Haley and Surescripts’ Seth Joseph, state in the HealthBeat 2014 conference, the U.S. government has set such a...