Medical Billing Course



Medical Billing Training Course:
Learn everything you need to know to become a medical billing specialist. The course includes Health Insurance Specialist and Medical Terminology.  When completed, you will have the skills to go to work. See what all is included: Medical Billing Training Course

What to Expect:
The training will provide the career skills for medical billing processes in both clinical and institutional settings. It is complete with comprehensive test and practice exams to provide not only the basic theories needed, but provide lots of hands on experience all the way.  You might want to consider adding Coding in the combo course, a great move to improve careers and earnings. Take a look: Medical Billing-Coding Combo

Payment and Financing:
Pay in full or finance: If you can’t pay in full, the simplest method is PayPal where payment plans are available. If you don’t have a PP account, it takes about 30 seconds to get one. You will need a credit card to do it, a quick credit check and you’re done. You may also choose to use our loan program using PP invoice system. Contact us to set that up.