Interesting information for young people looking for jobs from Ready

Good resources are available for training and job-search.

It is common knowledge that young workers make up a disproportionate share of the unemployed. They comprise 13 percent of the labor force, but make up 26 percent of the unemployed (1). What’s more: the millennial generation currently has a savings rate of negative 2%. Compare that with the positive savings rate of about 3% for those age 35 to 44, 6% for those 45 to 54, and 13% for those 55 and older (2).

How can we help our millennial generation find steady jobs that afford the opportunity to save for the future?

At ReadyJob, the website offers marketing and research services to employment-related companies. The primary barriers to effective employment are appropriate job training and ample job opportunities. They offer articles on financial planning, using budgets, borrowing money, searching jobs boards, and workplace rights and benefits.

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