With the proliferation of educational opportunities for medical career jobs (medical billing, coding, physician assistant, office management) and career certification, it is important to have the tools to evaluate the effectiveness of programs offered. Learning outcomes describe what is expected if a training program is selected, including anticipated understanding, knowledge, skill, and competency.

Medical careers increasingly require certification to help assure compliance with the regulatory and privacy acts to protect private information and show competency with skills required in a given employment situation.

For both career certification and for education, the knowledge based outcome should prove and be able to show evidence of the learning or acquired knowledge.

The outcome and certification tests devised by Med-Certification.Com are designed to test and report the competencies achieved in a given career whether the knowledge and skill are a result of on the job training or school-based training programs. The tests require the ability to clearly understand a question, then analyze and solve a problem whether it is based on the language of medicine, medical protocols, billing or coding questions, or privacy laws.

Certify in billing, coding, transcription, health information records, scribing, medical office specialist, medical office administration, medication aide at Practice tests are available to help discover any areas of knowledge gaps in order to prepare for the certification exam itself.

Learn more:   Certifications: